Wednesday, 25 August 2010

He likes the Beach Boys

Wow. Did someone give Kevin speed and ask him to talk about John's tattoos? Easy now. We did this ages ago. Intellectual etc.

new video on pitchfork

Conan Roberts and Margarita Louca (with Polly and Mischa) made us a video for Weird Feelings
It just premiered on Pitchfork:

This goes out to the slightly weird cab driver who told us all his 'Love' stories after this shoot. He literally kept us in the car for ten minutes outside our house, building up to some big punchline. It never came. Still can't work out if he was frightening or kind.

Monday, 16 August 2010


UTR surpassed themselves again. Yes Way fest @ Auto Italia, Peckham was amazing. Our best show in ages. So much positivity in one big car spares warehouse. Someone shot this, someone got high:

Friday, 13 August 2010


This guy in Venezuela, he made a v.chill version of our song 'Weird Feelings'.
We like it.
It's here:

This guy: